Saturday, January 5, 2013

What's Happening Now? New Year, New Goals!

Moving into a new year comes with excitement for kids and parents. An efficient way to keep track of your goals is by creating goal and vision boards as an individual and family. It is never too early to educate your children on setting goals for the things that will nurture their self esteem, finances, academics, etc. for the future. Start helping them to write their goals on an index card and placing it on a large piece of cardboard. Create sections for education, family, sports or whatever your child's interests are, and place it somewhere they will be able to see it every day and be accountable for what they are working towards. If your child has goals to improve his/her comprehension with reading, then read with them an extra 15 minutes a night for two weeks and see how it will improve their understanding of the information they are reading. I call this giving your goal energy! It is not enough just to write the goals down. You have to give it energy to bring your goals to light!

Once the goal board is completed, construct a vision board of pictures of things your child would want as a result of his/her hard work. Encourage them to work as hard on their goals as possible
because the rewards from the vision board come with hard work and diligence.

Children who are in the habit of setting goals, accomplishing them through hard work thus reaping the rewards from it, will have a higher self esteem and build their character.

Photo By: Paige Lackey Martin for Paige Martin Books © 2012

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